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CDWP approved 7 development projects worth Rs 22 .16 billion

The Central Development Working Party (CDWP) approved 7 development projects worth 22.16 billion rupees in a meeting chaired by Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Measures Ahsan Iqbal. The forum discussed maintenance and dredging of navigation channel of Gwadar Port at a cost of 4 billion 66 crore rupees, social sector accelerator project for health, nutrition, education, youth and gender issues at a cost of 4 billion 82 crore rupees, at Quaid-e-Azam University 3 A project to provide educational and research facilities and a girls' hostel at a cost of Rs. . King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Hospital in Terlai, Islamabad, costing Rs.2 billion 49 crores. #cdwp #7projects approved #cpec #CPECINFO #CPECPAKISTAN #GWADAR #CPECMAKINGPROGRESS #CPECPROJECTS #CPECNEWS #CPECUPDATE #GWADARUPDATE #CHINAPAKISTANECONOMICCORIDOR #CPECENERGYPROJECTS #CHINAPAKISTAN

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