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Business News Pak || Foreign exchange reserves fell further to record lo...

Islamabad: After foreign payments, the foreign exchange reserves of the country decreased by another billion 223 million dollars. According to the details, the foreign exchange reserves with the State Bank decreased to the lowest level of 4 billion 34 crore 32 million dollars. Due to the pressure of external payments, the foreign exchange reserves of the country are continuously decreasing. Foreign exchange reserves have further decreased by 1.223 billion dollars during the last one week following the repayment of loans received by Pakistan from Emirati banks. Now, after receiving expected aid from other countries and donors including UAE, Saudi Arabia and China, there are chances of improvement in the country's foreign exchange reserves. #Pakistan #Business # Update #CPEC #CPECINFO #CPECPAKISTAN #GWADAR #CPECMAKINGPROGRESS #CPECPROJECTS #CPECNEWS #CPECUPDATE #GWADARUPDATE #CHINAPAKISTANECONOMICCORIDOR #CPECENERGYPROJECTS #CHINAPAKISTAN

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