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CPEC | Gwadar | Pakistan Development | Future Plans | Life TV Online

Under the C-Pac agreement, the Gwadar port was initially upgraded to allow larger vessels to arrive. Improvement projects include the construction of a 130 130 million breakwater liquefied natural gas facility around the port. It will have a capacity of 500 million cubic feet of liquefied natural gas per day and will be connected to the Gwadar Nawabshah segment of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline. The expanded port is located near the 2282-acre free trade zone in Gwadar, designed in the style of China's special economic zones. In November 2015, the 43-year lease was handed over to China Overseas Port Holding Company. The site includes a manufacturing zone, logistics hub, warehouse and display center. Businesses located in the zone will be exempt from many provincial and federal taxes, including customs. Businesses located in the special economic zone will be exempt from federal excise taxes for 23 years. Contractors and subcontractors affiliated to China Overseas Port Holding Company will be exempted from such taxes for 20 years while 40 years tax exemption will be given for import of equipment, materials, plant / machinery, equipment and accessories which Gwadar Port And special economic zones. The special economic zone will be completed in three phases. 0 230 million has been allocated for the construction of a new international airport in Gwadar. The city of Gwadar will be further developed with the construction of a 300 MW coal-fired power plant, desalination plant and a new 300-bed hospital which are in the process of completion. It will connect Gwadar Port with Makran Coastal Highway. These additional projects are estimated to cost 800 million. Exim Bank of China is providing financial assistance to Pakistan through interest free loans. A training institute called Pak-China Technical and Vocational Institute has been set up in Gwadar. The development of Gwadar also includes the construction of a hospital under a grant from the Chinese government. The proposed project includes provision of medical blocks, medical equipment and machinery including Nursing and Paramedical Institute, Medical College, Central Laboratory and other related facilities. Plans to improve transportation infrastructure in Pakistan are of paramount importance. Three corridors for cargo transport have been identified: 1. Eastern network of roads of Sindh and Punjab where most of the industries are located 2. The Western Network will connect the less developed and sparsely populated areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. 3. Central network that will pass through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Balochistan #gwadar #Gwadarport #gwadarupdate #gwadarnews #cpecpakistan Today's Hot Update. Click here : https://youtu.be/DeWZmHgKG5g website: http://www.lifetvonline.net/ Blog: https://boostpk.blogspot.com/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Deejhons786 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nadeemmehboo... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/counselingc... Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ch-nadeem-86111944/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/deejhonsmedia Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mnagojra786/ Other Projects: http://propertyboompk.com/ http://www.deejhonsmedia.com/

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