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US spies steal corona virus secret information from China , CNN | Life ...

US broadcaster CNN has claimed in a special report that US spies have stolen confidential information about the novel Corona virus from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which is less than a "valuable treasure". no. According to the report , this is the same 'secret information' that would reveal the genetic makeup of the first 'novel corona virus' (SARS Cove 2) in 2019. However, this information is of a 'raw' nature, which, once compiled and understood, may take some time for American experts to determine the 'origin' of the novel corona virus. On May 26, US President Joe Biden ordered his intelligence agencies to obtain information about the origin of the novel corona virus within 90 days and to determine whether the assumption that the virus was developed in the Wuhan lab was true or false. It should be noted that since last year (2020), the hypothesis has been circulating that the 'Sars Koo 2' virus did not originate naturally but was created in a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which may have been accidentally or carelessly 'leaked'. (leaked) which also led to the emergence of the current global epidemic of Covid 19. Although virus experts around the world have overwhelmingly rejected this hypothesis, most American politicians and some experts still believe that the virus was developed by Chinese scientists. On the other hand, the Biden administration alleges that China did not cooperate with the World Health Organization's team of experts in tracing the origin of the novel corona virus and did not give them access to critical information at the relevant virology laboratory in Wuhan. US sources claim that this is the same information that China has hid from the world so far. And by obtaining them, it will be possible to confirm the natural or laboratory development of the 'Sars Cove 2' virus. According to CNN, US agents have begun secretly recruiting Chinese-speaking specialists under tight security. At the same time, supercomputers at the US Department of Energy (DOE) are being used to finalize the report by completing an analysis of the genetic information (genetic data) of the first 'novel corona virus' obtained as soon as possible. ۔ #USA #Spies #Coronavirus #CNN # China #Internationalnews #LatestNews #PakistanNews #Lifetvonline #BreakingNews #HotNews #LiveNews Today's Hot Update. Click here : https://youtu.be/7gtC8E07_1o https://youtu.be/xQ7xupko4pM website: http://www.lifetvonline.net/ Blog: https://boostpk.blogspot.com/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Deejhons786 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nadeemmehboo... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/counselingc... Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ch-nadeem-86111944/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/deejhonsmedia Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mnagojra786/ Other Projects: http://propertyboompk.com/ http://www.deejhonsmedia.com/

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