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CPEC Update || Investment under CPEC to reach $62 bn by 203 || January 2...

According to an annual report on renewable energy released by Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), the total planned investment under CPEC is $62 billion between FY2015 and FY2030, out of which $27.4 billion projects have been realized, with energy sector (power generation, coal mining and transmission lines) representing 76%. It covers power generation projects (both fossil fuel and renewables) of about 11 GW. To date, about 5,520 MW energy projects have been completed. More than half of these projects are coal-based power plants. http://www.lifetvonline.net #cpec #CPECINFO #CPECPAKISTAN #GWADAR #CPECMAKINGPROGRESS #CPECPROJECTS #CPECNEWS #CPECUPDATE #GWADARUPDATE #CHINAPAKISTANECONOMICCORIDOR #CPECENERGYPROJECTS #CHINAPAKISTAN

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