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CPEC Update || Ahsan Iqbal reviews 300MW coal-fired Power Project || Jan...

In order to prevent any financial loss to the national exchequer, Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal has instructed the Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Power Division, Gwadar Port Authority (GPA), and China Overseas Ports Holding Company Ltd (COPHCL) to ensure 100 percent electricity consumption from the 300MW coal-fired power project. During a meeting to review the 300MW coal-fired power project’s progress, the minister made these comments. The chairman of COPHCL, the chairman of GPA, and other important stakeholders also attended the meeting. The project, which would serve the requirements of around 150,000 locals by the end of 2023, was conceived under the CPEC in 2016. #cpec #CPECINFO #CPECPAKISTAN #GWADAR #CPECMAKINGPROGRESS #CPECPROJECTS #CPECNEWS #CPECUPDATE #GWADARUPDATE #CHINAPAKISTANECONOMICCORIDOR #CPECENERGYPROJECTS #CHINAPAKISTAN #ahsaniqbal #300MW #coalfiredPowerProject

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