Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced a reduction in the price of petrol and diesel by Rs 10 per liter and electricity by Rs 5 per unit, saying that prices will not be increased till the next budget.Addressing the nation, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, there is no possibility of reduction in oil prices, but considering the difficulties of the people, per unit increase in petrol, diesel and electricity prices till next budget. Will not do it..... [Read More]#PetrolDieselPrice#PrimeMinisterImranKhan#LiveAddress#electricitybill#imrankhan#RealHero_MumtazQadri#UkraineRussiaWar#KSE100#EducateHer#PTIGovernment#TheLastHope#PMImranKhan#PTIGovernment#PakistanZindabad#ThankYou_PMIK#PMIKaddressToNation#pakistanrepublic
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