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The most important symptoms of the Omicron variant came to the fore| Lif...

Today's Hot Update. The British newspaper "Daily Mail" has revealed that the most important symptoms of the "Omicron variant" of the corona virus are different from its previous variants. Newspaper in Britain, Z and E Symptom trekking study, the main scientific and epidemiological expert, Dr. Tim of Spector wrote that continually knocked in five major symptoms of being infected by aumykrun uyryynt runny, headache, These include constant tiredness, sneezing and sore throat. The five most common symptoms of all previous variants, including the Delta variant, included persistent fatigue, headache, loss of sense of smell and food, sore throat, and cough. However, Dr. Tim Spector says that the precautions to be taken to prevent and prevent omecron from spreading are the same as for all previous variants, with social distance and regular use of masks being particularly important. It should be noted that the 'Omicron variant', which was first unveiled in South Africa on November 8 last month, has so far spread to more than 90 countries, while the number of confirmed cases has reached close to 5,000. The United Kingdom tops the list of countries most affected by the Omecron variant, with more than 3,000 patients, which is growing rapidly. In addition, confirmed deaths from the Omicron variant have so far come from the UK, with eight reported. Second is South Africa, where the Omicron variant has affected more than a thousand people. Although so far no confirmed deaths have been reported from South Africa due to Omicron, there has been a worrying increase in the death rate from Corona, which is being blamed on the same 'Omicron variant'. #omicron #omicronsymptoms #omicroninuk #omicroninafrica #omicroninpakistan #omicroninusa #omicroninkarachi #lifetvonline #propertyboompk Click here : https://youtu.be/xQ7xupko4pM website: http://www.lifetvonline.net/ Blog: https://boostpk.blogspot.com/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Deejhons786 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nadeemmehboo... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/counselingc... Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ch-nadeem-86111944/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/deejhonsmedia Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mnagojra786/ Other Projects: http://propertyboompk.com/ http://www.deejhonsmedia.com/

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