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Corona's new variant Omicron arrives in Pakistan | Hot News Pakistan | ...

Today's Hot Update. The first case of Omi Kroon, a dangerous variant of Corona spread all over the world, has also been reported in Pakistan. The Sindh Health Department has confirmed the first case of Omi Cron variant in Karachi and said that the first case of Omi Cron variant has been reported in a private hospital in Karachi. The Sindh Health Department said that the Omi Crown variant was confirmed in the woman on December 8, the affected woman did not show any symptoms and is not vaccinated but she is in quarantine at home. On the other hand, an explanatory statement from the National Institutes of Health states that media reports regarding the presence of Omi Crown in Pakistan clarify that the suspected case of Omi Crown variant reported from Karachi has yet to be confirmed. No, it has yet to undergo a full genome sequence test, which will be performed after the sample is obtained. However, in light of global conditions, the public is strongly urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. #Corona #newvariant #Omicron #Pakistan #karachi #lifetvonline It should be noted that so far case Click here : https://youtu.be/xQ7xupko4pM website: http://www.lifetvonline.net/ Blog: https://boostpk.blogspot.com/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Deejhons786 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nadeemmehboo... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/counselingc... Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ch-nadeem-86111944/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/deejhonsmedia Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mnagojra786/ Other Projects: http://propertyboompk.com/ http://www.deejhonsmedia.com/

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