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Ahmad Shah Masood's son announces armed resistance against Taliban | Lif...

Today's Hot Update. The son of slain leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, who fought hard against the Soviet Union in the 1980s, has vowed to fight the Taliban from his stronghold in the Panjshir Valley. According to the Washington Post, Ahmed Masood, the 32-year-old son of former Afghan commander Ahmad Shah Masood, who was declared a hero in the war from the Soviet Union, declared armed resistance against the Taliban, saying that Afghan army officers and personnel, including elite special forces units Are also with us. "We also have modern weapons that Afghan army personnel have brought with them, while there are stockpiles of ammunition and weapons stored in the father's time," Masood said. We knew that the day would come when these weapons and ammunition would have to be reused. Although Taliban fighters have not yet entered the narrow valley of Panjshir, Ahmed Masood warned that if the Taliban entered our stronghold and imposed war, we would face stiff resistance. Ahmed Masood's statement came at a time when Ashraf Ghani's deputy Amrullah Saleh, while claiming to be the country's caretaker president, had said that after the president went into hiding, he was now the constitutional president. Amrullah called Ahmad Shah Massoud his hero and leader and said he would not bow to the Taliban. It should be noted that on the day of the Taliban's takeover of Kabul, President Ashraf Ghani had left the country without informing his friends and political comrades, including his family, and his presence in the UAE was confirmed three days later. Ahmad Shah Masood's son announces armed resistance against Taliban | Life TV Online https://youtu.be/dgm2DC7PX00 #ahmadshahmasood #ahmadmasood #taliban #resistance #ashrafghani #kabul #amrullah #agfhanistan #pakistan #hotnews #afghanistannews #lifetvonlinenews Click here : https://youtu.be/xQ7xupko4pM website: http://www.lifetvonline.net/ Blog: https://boostpk.blogspot.com/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Deejhons786 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nadeemmehboo... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/counselingc... Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ch-nadeem-86111944/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/deejhonsmedia Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mnagojra786/ Other Projects: http://propertyboompk.com/ http://www.deejhonsmedia.com/

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